Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does DE stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Digital ElementCommon
- Discard EligibilityTechnology
- Discard EligibleTechnology
- Display ElectronicsMilitary
- Display ElementTechnology
- Doctor of EngineeringMilitary
- Drive EndTechnology
- Damon-EshbachCommon
- Dana ElementarEducation
- Data ElementsTechnology
- Data EncryptionCommon
- Data EngineeringMilitary
- Data ExtractionScience
- DatenelementTechnology
- Daughter ElementCommon
- De-EmphasisCommon
- Deborah NumberCommon
- Debugging ExtensionTechnology
- Debye EffectCommon
- Debye EquationCommon
DE Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary