Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does CW stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Cyclone WasherCommon
Curtiss-Wright CorporationOrganizations
Curtiss-Wright Corp.Organizations
Current WeightChat and Slang
Curb WeightTechnology
Crutch WalkingMedical
Cowled WizardsChat and Slang
Course WorkEducation
Coupled WaveCommon
Cotton WoolMedical
Cost of WalkingMedical
Cortical WidthMedical
Corroborative WitnessMedical
Corporate WorkgroupTechnology
Conventional WisdomScience
Conventional WeaponScience
Control WomenMedical
Control WheelCommon
Control WardMedical
CW Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary