Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does CTA stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Connetquot Teachers AssociationOrganizations
- Consolidated Table of AllowancesMilitary
- Consolidated Tape AssociationBusiness
- Constant-Temperature AnemometerCommon
- Constant-Time AnemometerCommon
- Construction Training AustraliaGovernment
- Control AreaTechnology
- Controlld Thrust AssemblyCommon
- Controlled Time of ArrivalTechnology
- Cordless Terminal AdapterTechnology
- Corning Teachers AssociationOrganizations
- Cortical Taste AreaMedical
- Cotton Textile ArrangementCommon
- Council for Terminal AttachmentTechnology
- County Transportation AuthorityGovernment
- Crafton, Tull and AssociatesScience
- Critical Thinking AppraisalEducation
- Cross Track AngleTechnology
- Ct AngiographyMedical
- Ct ArteriographyMedical
CTA Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary