Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does CS stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Coil SketchCommon
Coincidence SiteCommon
Cold SensationMedical
Cold StageCommon
Cold StressMedical
Colepterists SocietyCommon
Coli SurfaceMedical
Collagen SpongeMedical
Collagenous SpherulosisMedical
College of ScienceCommon
College of the SequoiasEducation
College of the SiskiyousEducation
College of the SouthwestEducation
College StationEducation
Colliculus SuperiorMedical
Colliery ScreenedCommon
Collimator StopCommon
Collision SequenceCommon
CS Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary