Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does CP stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Couch PotatoMedical
- Coulomb PotentialCommon
- Council of PrincipalsEducation
- Coupled PairScience
- Course PackEducation
- Coventry PolytechnicCommon
- Covering PowerCommon
- Crack PlaneCommon
- Crack PropagationCommon
- Cracking PressureCommon
- Craftsbury PublicEducation
- CraniopharyngiomaMedical
- CraniopharyngiomasMedical
- Cratering ProcessCommon
- Crazing ProcessCommon
- Creatine PhosphateMedical
- Cribriform PlateMedical
- Cricoid PressureMedical
- CricopharyngealMedical
- Cricopharyngeal MuscleMedical
CP Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary