Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does CN stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Chemical NameCommon
- Chaotic NeutralChat and Slang
- CeruleinMedical
- Cerium NitrateMedical
- Cerebellar NucleiMedical
- Centrilobular NecrosisMedical
- Central NucleusMedical
- Central NuclearScience
- Central NodesCommon
- Central NeurocytomaMedical
- Center NotchCommon
- Cemetery NetworkScience
- Celestial NavigationCommon
- Cavernous NerveMedical
- Caudate NucleiMedical
- Cathode NickelCommon
- Categorically NeedyGovernment
- CaseinMedical
- Case NoteBusiness
- Cascade NozzleCommon
CN Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary