Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does CE stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Copulatory EfficiencyMedical
- Core ExperimentMilitary
- Coriolis EffectCommon
- Corneal EndothelialMedical
- Corneal EndotheliumMedical
- Corneal EpithelialMedical
- Corneal EpitheliumMedical
- Cornified EnvelopeMedical
- Coronary EctasiaMedical
- Coronary EndarterectomyMedical
- Coronary EventsMedical
- Corrosion EngineerCommon
- Cosmic EncounterTechnology
- Cost EffectiveMilitary
- Cost EngineerCommon
- Cost EstimateMilitary
- Coulomb ExcitationCommon
- Coumarin 3,4-EpoxideMedical
- Council of EngineeringCommon
- Counter ElectrodeCommon
CE Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary