Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does CC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Carleton CollegeEducation
- Carriage ControlTechnology
- Carrying CapacityOrganizations
- Central ConstructionScience
- Central ControlMilitary
- Cerebral CortexMedical
- Chamber of CommerceBusiness
- Channel ControllerScience
- Chemical CorpsMilitary
- Chief CounselScience
- Child CareGovernment
- Chip CarrierScience
- Chubby ChaserChat and Slang
- City CollegeEducation
- Clinical CenterCommon
- Closed CircuitTechnology
- Closing CostsBusiness
- Cluster ControllerTechnology
- Coe CollegeEducation
- Coiled-CoilMedical
CC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary