Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does BSD stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Bibliographic Services DivisionCommon
- Berkley Software DistributionScience
- Berkely Standard DistributionTechnology
- Berkeley System DistributionTechnology
- Berkeley Software Design, Inc.Science
- Bedside DrainageMedical
- Beam Scan DriverCommon
- Battlefield Synchronization DemonstrationMilitary
- Battlefield Situation DisplayMilitary
- Battlefield Simulation DisplayMilitary
- Battle Staff DirectiveMilitary
- Battery Status DisplayMilitary
- Baseline System DescriptionScience
- Base Supply DepotCommon
- Barrels Per Stream DayCommon
- Banking and Supervision DepartmentBusiness
- Bahamian DollarBusiness
- Bachelor of Science in DesignCommon
BSD Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary