Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does BRP stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Brake ProOrganizations
- Backlog Reduction PlanGovernment
- Bathroom PrivilegesMedical
- Business Resumption PlanningCommon
- Bureau of Radiation ProtectionTechnology
- Bureau De Recherches De PétroleCommon
- Budget Reporting PackTechnology
- British PatentCommon
- Brief Reactive PsychosisMedical
- Breeder Reactor ProgramScience
- Brasil Telecom Participacoes s.A.Organizations
- Brain Retractor PressureMedical
- Brachioradial PruritusMedical
- Br:PPOrganizations
- Bovine Retractor Penis MuscleMedical
- Bovine Retractor PenisMedical
- Bovine Retinal PericytesMedical
- Bombesin-Related PeptidesMedical
- Blue Ribbon PanelMilitary
- Biological Reference PreparationMedical
BRP Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary