Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does BR stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Boil ResistanceCommon
- Blue RecordCommon
- Blocking ReactionMedical
- Block ReleaseEducation
- Blink ReflexesMedical
- Blink ReflexMedical
- Blink RateMedical
- Birthing RoomMedical
- BirrBusiness
- Birefringent RetardationMedical
- Birefringence RetardationMedical
- BirefringenceMedical
- Biosphere ReserveScience
- Biological ReactivationCommon
- Biological and RadiologicalMilitary
- Biochemical ResponseMedical
- Binocular RivalryMedical
- Biliverdin ReductaseMedical
- BilirubinMedical
- Biennial ReportTechnology
BR Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary