Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does BC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Bell CordCommon
- Belhaven CollegeEducation
- Behavioral CounselingMedical
- Begin of ChainCommon
- Beer ConsumptionMedical
- Bedford CollegeCommon
- Becker CollegeEducation
- Bechtel CorporationScience
- Bearer ChannelMilitary
- Bearer CapabilityMilitary
- Beam CurrentCommon
- Beacon CollegeEducation
- Bayonet CapCommon
- Bauder CollegeEducation
- Battle CubeMilitary
- Battle CasualtyMedical
- Battery ContactTechnology
- BathocuproineMedical
- Bates CollegeEducation
- Batchelor CollegeCommon
BC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary