Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does ATC stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Anatomical Therapeutical ChemicalMedical
Antenna Tuning CapacitorCommon
Appalachian Trail ConferenceOrganizations
Applied Technology CenterCommon
Applied Technology CentreOrganizations
Arbitration Timing ControlCommon
Area Technical CenterEducation
Armament Training CampCommon
Armament Training CenterCommon
Army Tactical CenterMilitary
Army Topographic CommandCommon
Army Training CentersMilitary
Art Teachers CertificateEducation
Asean Traffic ControlOrganizations
Ashton-Tate CorporationCommon
Aspartate TranscarbamylaseMedical
Association of Translation CompaniesCommon
Astronomy Technology CentreScience
ATC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary