Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does ASA stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- American Society of AnaesthesiologyMedical
- American Society of AnaesthesiologistsMedical
- American Society of AnaesthesiologistMedical
- American Society of Agronomy, Inc.Science
- American Snowmobile AssociationCommon
- American Schizophrenia AssociationMedical
- Amateur Softball AssociationMilitary
- Aluminum Stockholders AssociationCommon
- Altitude Switch AssemblyScience
- Allele-Specific AmplificationMedical
- All Speed AileronTechnology
- Alcohol Septal AblationMedical
- Alabama Supercomputing AuthorityCommon
- Alabama Supercomputer AuthorityTechnology
- Airservices AustraliaOrganizations
- Aircraft Statement of Air WorthinessTechnology
- Aircraft Separation AssuranceTechnology
- Air Stagnation AdvisoryScience
- Air Signal AttenuatorTechnology
- Air Services AgreementCommon
ASA Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary