Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does AO stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Airport OperationCommon
Airlock OutfittingScience
Aircraft OperatorCommon
Aircraft OperationCommon
Air OverseasScience
Air OverCommon
Air OperatorTechnology
Air OperationMilitary
Agent OrangeGovernment
Age of OnsetMedical
Aerial ObserverMilitary
Advice OnlyMedical
Adverse OutcomeMedical
Adult OnsetMedical
Adjudications OfficerGovernment
Acute OphthalmoparesisMedical
Active OxygenMedical
Active OpticsCommon
Acronymic ObfuscationTechnology
Acridine OrangeMedical
AO Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary