Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does AO stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
- Adjudications OfficerGovernment
- Adult OnsetMedical
- Adverse OutcomeMedical
- Advice OnlyMedical
- Aerial ObserverMilitary
- Age of OnsetMedical
- Agent OrangeGovernment
- Air OperationMilitary
- Air OperatorTechnology
- Air OverCommon
- Air OverseasScience
- Aircraft OperationCommon
- Aircraft OperatorCommon
- Airlock OutfittingScience
- Airport OperationCommon
- Airport OperatorCommon
- Airway ObstructionMedical
- Airways ObstructionMedical
- Aktsionernoye ObshchestvoTechnology
- Albino OxfordMedical
AO Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary