Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does AML stand for?
sorted A-Z Z-A
Auburn Memorial LibraryEducation
Athens Municipal LibraryEducation
Astronomical Markup LanguageTechnology
Asn.1 Markup LanguageTechnology
Array Machine LanguageCommon
Army Medical LaboratoryMilitary
Arizona Materials LaboratoryCommon
Arithmetic Mean of the LogarithmTechnology
Area Medical LaboratoryMilitary
Approved Materials ListScience
Approved Manufacturers ListMilitary
Applied Mathematics LaboratoryCommon
Apollo Memorial LibraryEducation
Apalachicola Municipal LibraryEducation
Anterior Mitral LeafletMedical
Anchorage Municipal LibrariesEducation
Anatomical Medullary LockingMedical
Anatomic Medullary LockingMedical
AML Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary