Acronyms and Abbreviations
What does AC stand for?
AC: Aircraft Commander
MilitaryAC: Abdominal Circumference
MedicalAC: Abdominal Compression
MedicalAC: Acetaldehyde
MedicalAC: Ackerman and Cox
CommonAC: Addams Continuation
EducationAC: Address Counter
CommonAC: Adenocarcinoma of the Cardia
MedicalAC: Aldol Condensation
CommonAC: Aldose Reductase
MedicalAC: Aldosterone Concentration
MedicalAC: Algoma Central and Hudson Bay Railway
OrganizationsAC: American and Canadian
CommonAC: Anderson College
EducationAC: Andon College
EducationAC: Ardisia Compressa
MedicalAC: Area Commander
MilitaryAC: Ascension Island
LocationsAC: Assistant Commandant
MilitaryAC: Audeo Charter
AC Acronym Meanings provided by All Acronyms Dictionary